Corporate Overview

The Company

OD6 Metals is an Australian public company pursuing exploration and development opportunities within the critical mineral sector. The Company has successfully identified clay hosted rare earths at its 100% owned Splinter Rock and Grass Patch Projects, which are located in the Esperance-Goldfields region of Western Australia – about 30 to 150km northeast of the major port and town of Esperance. Drilling and geological analysis at its flagship Splinter Rock has shown widespread, thick, high-grade clay hosted REE deposits that extend over hundreds of square kilometres. Metallurgical testing using hydrochloric acid to leach the rare earths have resulted in positive REE recoveries with optimisation ongoing.

The Company aims to delineate and define economic resources and reserves of Rare Earth Elements (REE), in particular Neodymium (Nd) and Praseodymium (Pr), which can be developed into a future revenue generating mine. Clay REE deposits are currently economically extracted in China, which is the dominant world producer of REEs.

REE are becoming increasingly important in the global economy, with uses including advanced electronics and permanent magnets in electric motors. As an example, a neodymium magnet used in a wind turbine or electric vehicle motor is 18 times stronger than a standard ferrite magnet significantly increasing energy use efficiency.

As part of the exploration process the Company has entered into heritage agreements with Esperance Tjaltrjraak Native Title Aboriginal Corporation and the Ngadju Native Title Aboriginal Corporation that serves to both enable exploration and protect important cultural sites on Country.

Why OD6 Metals?

100% owned tenement package.

Multiple large-scale prospects identified.

Australia’s largest and highest grade clay rare earth deposit of 682 Mt at 1,338 ppm TREO (at a 1,000ppm cut-off grade for ~912 kt contained TREO.

High MagREO represents an average of ~23% of TREO grade for ~210 kt contained MagREO.

10-80m thick intersections, near surface.

~60% average acid leach recoveries.

400 km2 of clay basins mapped by an Airborne Electromagnetics (AEM) survey.

Close to port, roads & essential infrastructure.