Projects Overview
The Company, through the Subsidiaries, holds a 100% interest in in the following Rare Earths Projects:

Splinter Rock Project: a 2,579km2 tenement package located approximately 150km northeast of Esperance, Western Australia, comprising 6 granted exploration licences, being E63/2115, E69/3904, E69/3905, E69/3907, E69/3893 and E69/3894.
The project is accessible from Perth (700km) or the regional centre Esperance (~150km).
Additionally, the Company, through the Subsidiaries, holds a 100% interest in in the following Copper Project:

Gulf Creek Copper Project: a 23km2 exploration lease covering the historic Gulf Creek copper mine located in the New England region of NSW, approximately 540km north of Sydney. The land is a mixture of freehold and Crown land with the majority being freehold. The lease comprises the granted exploration licence EL-8492.