
Grass Patch REE

Grass Patch REE

The Grass Patch project is located approximately 30km to 100km north of Esperance. The Project is predominantly on private agricultural land and covered with wheat and sheep farming, with cultivated topsoil cover of approximately 30cm. The Tenements have extensive calcrete formation which is up to 30cm in thickness with such calcrete material having been quarried and utilised for sheeting the secondary roads within the region.

High-grade clay REEs have been successfully identified in a 93-hole reconnaissance drilling program conducted in early 2023.

  • Grades of up 3,340ppm TREO with up to 38.5% MagREO encountered.
  • Thick clays encountered of up to 59m (average range of 3m to 20m).
  • Three key areas to be targeted for further exploration: Belgian Prospect, Circle Valley Prospect, Scaddan Prospect.
  • High-potential Prospect areas have undergone metallurgical testing with average MagREO recoveries of 69% and up to 86% achieved at acid leaching rate of 25g/l HCl.